Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Strawbery Banke NH

 This little bench was hidden under the bushes with other fairy sized furniture, but it had still been squashed!

A swing bench on the porch.
Leafy bench under the bay window
 Under a shady pergola
 A niche bench
 This bench saw lots of use at it was a warm day at Strawbery Banke
 Must be the fisherman's bench
Bench in memoriam

Monday, June 03, 2013

St Gaudens National Historic Site

 Farragut Memorial by Auguste St Gaudens includes benches for people to sit on.
 This curved bench is in a part of the garden surrounded by a high yew hedge and is sheltered from any wind.
Near by St Gaudens private studio, his brother designed this bench using replicas of Roman reliefs as end pieces.

Sunday, June 02, 2013

Manchester NH

This bench is at the Zimmerman House (Frank Lloyd Wright)
And this one is at the Currier Museum: Bench 1989 by Howard Ben Tré (cut glass with gilded brass)